wish to do so may indicate their names. This would facilitate sending out further questions, if it should appear later on that this was desirable. However, unsigned questionnaires. will be used in all the tabulations without any discrimination because of that omission. Please indicate some response to every question. Blank
spaces are hard to interpret.
As the results of the research can be made available they will probably first be published in ONE Institute Quarterly. Later on it is possible that they might be brought together in the form of a book. There would appear to be enough material suitable for such a purpose.
An Official Statement Jaye Bell, President Daughters of Bilitis
The following verbatim text of their official position was read by Miss Bell at ONE's seventh Annual Banquet, January 29. It presents the viewpoint of the majority of the women attending the Midwinter sessions, as well as that of the membership of the Daughters of Bilitis at large. Those wishing to read a fuller account of these views are referred to THE LADDER, March, 1961, and the Editorial, "Fear or "Fear or Lack of Trust" by Miss Del Martin, which is followed by seventeen pages of reporting of the sessions themselves.
by and about women
This project was first presented to us via the mails in the form of a pamphlet entitled "Bill of Rights." After first reading and discussing it, we said to ourselves, "Why?" Either these are rights we already have, or they are rights which cannot be asked. because to do so would be to demand that people have the attitudes we prescribe for them. One cannot demand or legislate attitudes.
With the understanding that this project would be in accord with the majority present, we sent requests to our chapters for opinions on this "Bill of Rights." The concensus of almost members was the same: all our members "Why?" The only rights we want are those given to us as a whole people under the United States Bill of Rights, not a bill that would represent only a small part of ourselves-a homosexual "Bill of Rights."
The members then asked several of us to represent them at this Institute. This we came here to do. Unfortunately, we now find that the program is not being run by a majority situation. This first became readily apparent during the luncheon, when everyone who stood up to speak said that